Start is for aspiring entrepreneurs with innovative product, service or technology ideas which have the potential to provide employment through a new start up.

The Rubicon offers a professional location to launch your business and a range of supports which are tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to choose from a selection of services based on their requirements and stage of development.
START Programmes - Start Up Support
START programmes address entrepreneurial mindset, customers, market and funding.

Enterprise Ireland New Frontiers Phase 1:
Phase 1 is a part-time/evening programme that helps participants explore the fundamental viability of their business idea.
Part-time (Evenings)
Test the market potential of your business idea
Continue in employment
Arrive at a go/no-go decision

EXXCEL Women Entrepreneurship
The Exxcel Programme for Women Entrepreneurs is a part-time programme that gives women entrepreneurs the knowledge, confidence, flexibility and community to explore their business idea.
Part time programme
Test the market potential of your business idea
Continue in employment
Arrive at a go/no-go decision
Student Inc
Student Inc. is a full-time accelerator programme that runs annually from the start of June to the end of August for students from MTU and partnering universities. Student Inc provides students with seed funding, free office space, training and mentoring and 10 level 8 academic credits.
Full time over the summer period
Test the market potential of your business idea
Office space and seed funding

Empower Cumasú Tús (Start)
The EMPOWER Cumasú Programme is a free female entrepreneurship programme for female entrepreneurs in the Gaeltacht areas of Mayo, Galway, Donegal, Kerry, Cork, Meath and Waterford. The programme is funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta and delivered by Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Innovation Hubs and the Rubicon Centre at Munster Technological University (MTU).
Hybrid delivery delivered once a week over three months.
Early stage female-led businesses (less than 18 months in business).
Delivered in the West/ North West and South/ South East.