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As an entrepreneur, it’s natural to sometimes find yourself at a stage where you feel that inspiration is not flowing as freely as you wish it could be.  At moments like this is easy to get frustrated and feel that you or your idea is not moving anywhere. However, these testing times should not be viewed as an obstacle or challenge but as an opportunity to explore new ways of idea generation. Below are some ideas that can help in aiding creativity and overcoming these moments.

Watch a TED Talk


TED Talks can offer different perspectives and new findings on topics that we as individuals find interesting. For entrepreneurs many valuable insights can be taken from TED Talks, especially when they focus on the industry in which an entrepreneur operates. New ideas and insights may be discussed by those giving these talks, which may pose new opportunities for entrepreneurs. These videos can be viewed at an entrepreneur’s discretion as they are widely available, they provide the opportunity to indulge in the information in your own time away from your workplace. It is important to ensure that entrepreneurs maintain a work life balance however, watching TED Talks can allow for further areas an entrepreneur may not have been previously aware of to be explored. In moments where inspiration is not coming to an entrepreneur TED Talks offer the opportunity to form new attitudes towards the industry an entrepreneur operates in, making them view their industry with a different perspective, further fuelling creativity.

Speak with others operating in your Industry


One of the greatest ways to fuel creativity is to speak with like-minded individuals who understand you and your business venture. If ever there comes a stage when an entrepreneur feels as if they are stuck in a rut with their business, there is no better advice available to you than those who already exist within your industry. Although you may feel that professionals in your industry are unwilling to talk to you about your idea and any future ventures you are considering, that is not the case. Entrepreneurs love to tell their stories, especially when it may help someone who was just like them when they started. When you enter business your fellow entrepreneurs and professionals in your industry are not your enemies. These individuals can offer invaluable advice as they know exactly what you are going through. They may even be able to provide insight or offer to assist you if you feel you are meeting obstacles on your entrepreneurial journey. Don’t forget that networking is one of the most invaluable assets to have, don’t be afraid to make initial contact, as they will be more than happy to help.



Although it is fair to fear failure, it is not something that should be viewed negatively, especially in the context of entrepreneurship. As the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed try and try again”. On an entrepreneurial journey, failure is something that should be prepared for. Success will not always be the first destination on an entrepreneurs journey as there may be many obstacles that could not have previously been anticipated. If an idea is to fail initially this should not be a sign to give up, it presents a unique learning opportunity that will allow for an entrepreneur to assess what went wrong and what improvements can be made. Failure can make an entrepreneur stronger as they realise what is truly required to make their venture successful. Being an entrepreneur is never going to be an easy or straightforward road. However, by being prepared to accept that failure may be a possibility when facing challenges entrepreneurs will know that these moments will pass, and the product or service being created will only get better.

Look to Learn


Even though an entrepreneur may believe that they know everything about their own business, they may not know everything about their industry. For this reason, it is a good idea for entrepreneurs to look at further learning. Learning can be done in many ways and there are multiple resources to do so. Entrepreneurs can look at what other businesses in their industry are doing, their ventures can spark new ideas which may help them in the future. There is plenty of literature available to entrepreneurs either online or in hard copies of texts that explore the industry in which they operate. By committing to further learning entrepreneurs can broaden their mind on issues they may not have been previously aware that may impact their business positively or negatively. Podcasts also offer an alternative way of learning. There are many established and emerging podcasts focused on different industries which contain information from different sources on current and emerging trends. By listening to the ideas of other entrepreneurs can be exposed to new areas of interest that they may wish to explore. Another way of getting insight into an industry is following tags on social media that resonate with your business. This will ensure that your news feed is tailored to topics that you are interested in and presents a good opportunity in staying up to date with your industry and finding out about new emerging trends.


The most important thing is to not forget that every day is a new day. An issue that may seem like a challenge today may present as an opportunity tomorrow. If there are moments where you feel you have failed, don’t dwell too much on what could have been. Overall, you must remember that being an entrepreneur is a journey not just for learning, but also to enjoy.

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