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A need to keep track of professional training undertaken by medical staff and nurses led Sajeesh Kesavan to set up his business Infomaxis Ltd. 

Sajeesh Kesavan of Infomaxis, began his nursing career in his native India before completing a Higher Diploma in Cardiac and ICU Nursing in UCC as well as a Masters Degree in Health Informatics in Trinity College Dublin. This experience as well as his work as a clinical consultant for software company, Lincor Solutions enabled Sajeesh to understand the software development process which led to his business idea, proving that finding a niche in something you already know and enjoy can often be the key to unlocking a new business with very real potential.


Recalling his eureka moment, Sajeesh says “Working in a critical care area as a nurse, we are often inundated with new training requirements. It is hard for the manager and the nurses to manage these requirements, not to mention the implications if everyone is not trained on a timely basis. Untrained nurses can have a negative impact on patient outcomes and paper based systems are time consuming, outdated and mundane so the need to develop specific software was very real and urgent. I strongly felt that I had the knowledge to create an easy to use piece of software that could solve this disconnect.”


Under Infomaxis Ltd., Sajeesh along with his business partner Jaison George developed a software package which manages the training requirements of employees in an organisation. The software, entitled, iCPD( Intelli Continuing Professional Development) ensures that all the employees are trained on a timely basis while managers can create, review, and  update training days for their staff. Employees can view their training dashboard and book in for required training days, ensuring all parties are up to date and meet their professional requirements.


iCPD is currently being piloted in Cork university Hospital with more hospitals and nursing homes due to implement its use in the coming months. The software can also be used by SME’s, pharmaceutical companies as well as businesses in the food and service industries and a mobile app which can be purchased independently is also suitable for University graduates to update their training certifications, and share with potential employers.


Speaking of his experience as a participant in the Rubicon Centre’s New Frontiers Programme, Sajeesh says, “Infomaxis Ltd wouldn’t exist today without the New Frontiers Programme. The support from the programme has been integral in the progression of my startup journey and the infrastructure, facilities, training and mentoring provided by all at the Rubicon Centre and Enterprise Ireland are invaluable.”


Best advice you have ever received?

“ Look back from the future”  and “Plan your exit strategy”.

Your advice to young entrepreneurs?

Exploit the resources available for startups. There is plenty out there.

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