Brexit is very much a hot topic at the moment, with total uncertainty and disarray within and outside of UK as to what the final outcome will be.
Brexit has the whole world holding their breath, with no one quiet knowing who will be affected or how they will be affected.
The risks and repercussions of Brexit becoming ever more prominent as each day ticks by.
However, where others see risk Entrepreneurs see opportunity.
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Whether we eventually see a hard Brexit, a Soft Brexit or no Brexit at all there is no denying that the political turmoil has changed the socio-economic landscape of the UK.
Changes presents new and interesting possibilities – conditions in which entrepreneurs thrive. Always problem solving with an optimistic attitude, it may be the entrepreneurial spirit that guides us through these uncertain times.
Entrepreneurial Opportunity
With politicians in the dark about the future conditions for businesses and employment opportunities, it can be presumed that any legislation, policies and regulations put in place to govern these sectors will be put in place quickly and without much warning.
This presents opportunity for quick thinkers and problem solvers to lead the way. Entrepreneurs are able to think on their feet and that it what will be required of leaders in the coming years. Quick-fire problem solving and bouncing back from knocks at a rapid pace.
Business Opportunity
In an EY survey carried out in 2018 62% of Entrepreneurs said that they saw opportunities in Brexit. (78% of the Entrepreneurs surveyed were export driven)
47% said that Brexit will open more opportunities for Irish Businesses in Europe.
Tech entrepreneurs will be in demand to create AI, Algorithms and block-chain solutions for Anglo-Irish Companies wanting to retract from the UK market and take data towards the EU market.
What next?
Brexit is to Irish Entrepreneurs as Trump is the the US Media. We don’t particularly like the fact that this is the current political state of affairs but it provides huge opportunity to benefit profitably from the mess.
Maybe the House of Commons could benefit from an injection of entrepreneurial wisdom?