This year, here at the Rubicon Centre, we are delighted to announce the newest addition to our portfolio of entrepreneurial programmes “Empower Cumasú”. Cumasú is an entrepreneurship programme for women in the Gaelteacht areas of Ireland, that will be run by the Rubicon Centre in MTU and the ATU Innovation Hub! Funded by Údarás na Gaeltachta, the programme intends to help women establish or grow their own start-up businesses, supplying them with support, resources and facilities throughout the duration of the programme.
The part-time, hybrid programme is set to run over a 12-week duration period in September, with a combination of online and in-person meetings providing the participants with the flexibility to manage other priorities.
The programme is split into two different categories, dependant on the stage of the business: “Cumasú Start” and “Cumasú Grow”. Cumasú Start is for women with early-stage business ideas (less than 18 months) that want to establish and develop their own start-up and journey in entrepreneurship. Cumasú Grow is for women with already established start-ups (18 months+), that plan to grow their business further.
We are delighted to be a part of this fantastic initiative and look forward to the commencing of the programme in September!
For further information and applications please visit-