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Enterprise Ireland’s Start Up Day 2024 was held in the Print Works in Dublin Castle and panel discussions focused on the Power of Networking and Scaling Your Business. It was brilliant to hear from recent New Frontiers alumna Sinéad Crowthers, founder of Tonstix, on how building her network, well in advance of launching Tonstix, really supported and drove the business in the early stages.

True to the theme of the day, attendees had ample opportunity to network before listening to an excellent discussion on Scaling Your Business with Orlaith Ryan of Shorla Oncology, Bobby Healy of Manna Drone Delivery, Helen McBreen of Atlantic Bridge, and New Frontiers Alumna Rory O’Connor of Scurri, which is headquarted in Wexford and employs over 60 people in high tech roles.

Amel Sami of Glish Arabic, Eoin O’Riordan of Origin Xero, Paula McGovern of Wizard & Grace and Elvis Seporaitis of Volta Robotics, Phase 3 participants on the New Frontiers programme in Cork all attended on the day. Congratulations to LaNua Medical, a UCD spin-out, on winning the Big Ideas Pitching competition. It was inspiring to hear the ideas from the 10 companies that pitched on the day.

Recruitment is currently open for Enterprise Ireland’s New Frontiers Phase 2 Programme, starting September 2024, and Expressions of Interest can be submitted here.

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